Party at Borders

Tuesday was our anniversary — my husband and I have been happily married for eight years.

We were both too busy (and exhausted) to want to endure a big magilla ‘night out on the town’ dinner somewhere so we decided to order in Thai from our favorite restaurant and then go out for a luscious dessert and cappuccino. We even thought it sounded more romantic to celebrate in one exquisite way.

On our way to dessert we dropped by our favorite Borders Books. I wanted to pick up a copy of Plain Janes by Cecil Castellucci (I’m her new fan). For my husband and I, trips to Borders, qualify as a romantic activity.

Our Borders is a big store, two levels. I looked up Plain Janes, then made my way to the graphic novel section. When I got there I seriously could NOT get into the aisle. It was FILLED with GIRLS of all ages, leaning against the stacks and lounging on the floor reading Manga graphic novels. I’m serious.

This was the happenin’ spot at Borders… and this was 9 p.m. on a Tuesday.

I peeked at the titles, in between readers, and couldn’t find what I was looking for so I went to get some assistance. This is how I found out that they keep Plain Janes and other GNs of that ilk under LOCK and KEY!

(I frequently order from Amazon… but where’s the romance in that?)

The employee retrieved my copy and sheepishly told me he had to take it downstairs and leave it at the register for me… because the GNs are their most frequently stolen merchandise!

My next book is SO going to be a girly GN because I want to sell something that is so popular they have to LOCK IT UP!! (Especially if it’s not something that can be melted down into an illegal substance.)

About Sheryl Scarborough

For MONEY I have written: TV series, cartoons, comic books, graphic novels, magazine articles, Business Plans, Direct Music Marketing letters (as Mariah Carey, MC Hammer and others), Corporate Newsletters, Mens Style (online) Magazine (as managing editor),screenplays (well, okay so not so much about the money there) and Restaurant Reviews (for free food!) Now... I'm writing for love and what I LOVE are young adult mystery novels.
On Writing

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