Monthly Archives: September 2007

My favorite Stephen King quote is “I have the heart of a small boy… I keep it in a jar on my desk! ” I have a jar on my desk, too. It’s labeled: Brilliant Ideas. It was a gift from a sardonic writer friend of mine who has a wicked sense of humor. The current contents of my Brilliant ideas jar is: a couple of Halls cough drops, two disgusting pieces of hard candy, a paper clip and a piece of chalk. Go ahead, dare to me write something using these trivial items — but don’t bet the farm that I … Continue reading

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I received an email from a writer/director friend of mine announcing that he’s (finally) in the final editing phase of a documentary which has consumed the better part of his last year… a substantial amount of funds… and pretty much all of his (and his wife’s) attendance at our monthly writers’ group meetings. He tentatively described his mood as “excited and extremely scared at the same time,” “One minute elated, the next minute depressed.” I call this the: “I’m Near The End-drome. ” It’s a creatively schizophrenic combination of exhaustion and euphoria over actually making it to The End — … Continue reading

On Writing
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